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About Us / What We Do

​Unlike any other performing arts organization, Lyric Performing Arts Academy (LPAA) utilizes the performing arts to teach a variety of subjects, to multiple different types of students/audiences; if you want to learn to dance, sing, and/or act, we can teach you. You want to learn how to use an art form for healing? We can show you. Are you in need of a full production that will teach students about different aspects of Black history? We can do that. Might you need to learn about the history of racism and how to eradicate it? We can do that too, and all information will be accessible because that is what we do. We believe in performing arts with a purpose. Thus, LPAA creates a safe and encouraging space for students of all ages to learn, co-create, or witness meaningful performance art with themes of mutual respect for others, self-determination, social justice, self-respect and faith.

“Train a child up in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


Proverbs 22:6



​Lyric Performing Arts Academy offers a comprehensive performing arts curriculum for students and educators alike. Developed to create well rounded humane-beings, students will leave our classes not only with a new/enhanced performing arts skill set, but also with the ability to critically analyze and begin to change themselves, and the world around them.

LPAA class offerings include:

  • Drama

  • Vocal ensemble

  • Dance (West African, tap, ballet, stepping, hip-hop, contemporary, liturgical and jazz)

  • Musical theater for children and adults

  • Educational performances and productions for audiences of all ages

  • Black history/culture lecture demonstrations

  • Social justice training and workshops for educators 

  • Performing arts consultation for arts instructors


Ask us how we can bring our services to your school, church, staff meetings, community center, or organization today! 










One of our youngest students watching others perform.
LPAA students giving eachother feedback.
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